Every single retailer has been affected by Covid 19. From lockdowns and mandatory store closures, decreased store capacities, adjusted operating hours and procedures, to new health and safety considerations. “Business as usual” looks nothing like business as usual now!

One of the main trends among retailers in 2020, and now in 2021, is introducing an online presence for their brands or strengthening their existing digital footprint.

As merchants pursue subscription business models that blend e-commerce with brick-and-mortar, offering consumers frictionless payment processing experiences became an absolute necessity. Combining the traditional sales channels with e-commerce can present some challenges, but here at Billforward, we’ll be ready to help you — not only to sell your products online as subscriptions, but also to combine your POS systems (point of sale) with the revenue generated from your online sales.

Why should you consider Square POS?

Any merchants looking to seamlessly integrate their point of sale purchases with their online presence should seriously consider Square POS. Not only does Square offer  competitive transaction rates and support various payment methods but it also offers advanced fraud protection tools without any additional hidden fees. These features give merchants peace of mind and the confidence of being in good hands: the dream of any subscription business model! As a standard offering, Square merchants can receive their payouts the next business day (or instantly for a fee per transfer), which is a perk that is rarely found amongst Square’s competitors.

But what does integrating offline and online sales even have to do with subscription management?

During these difficult times, customer loyalty has become even more important than ever. Many customers go above and beyond to support their local businesses and to show support for the brands they love. At the same time, companies value loyal customers even more, so taking advantage of all the tools available to further strengthen those customer relationships is essential.

This is where Billforward can help

Billforward is a recurring billing platform and subscription management software that aims to help businesses sign up customers, collect recurring payments, and manage their subscriptions. With Billforward x Square integration, merchants can introduce sophisticated subscription billing into their subscription models. Doing so not only offers businesses the ability to improve their bottom line with recurring revenue, but it also allows them to introduce a “subscribe and delight” concept to further strengthen their relationships with customers, securing those future revenues down the line.

Can Billforward help me combine my online and offline payments if I am not interested in POS systems and brick-and-mortar sales are not part of my business?

Yes, of course! Independently from Square Payments integration, Billforward can help you combine your online and offline payments. We support a variety of offline payment methods, so if some of your customers prefer to pay via check or cash, Billforward can help you to easily reconcile all of those transactions against your invoices and subscriptions.

Seamlessly combining online and offline payments has become an essential component of doing business during the pandemic, and while making those adjustments might seem complicated and difficult, with the right billing partner it might be easier than you think!

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