When merchants decide to introduce a recurring billing and subscription management platform (or to migrate to a new one if their current one didn’t meet their needs), they usually already have a solid stack put together:

  • a website,
  • a payment gateway provider used to take payments from their customers
  • an accounting software
  • a CRM
  • perhaps also an eCommerce platform
  • and some sales and marketing integrations…

All of it, meticulously and beautifully put together.

It’s no wonder why introducing another element to this already complex equation can be anxiety-provoking! Nobody wants to rock the boat. What if adding a subscription management and recurring billing platform breaks the existing flow?

Switching to a new billing platform because you outgrew your current one is tricky even at the best of times, and you should absolutely avoid that headache if you can! But it’s absolutely essential to find a billing platform that will not only fit with your current setup, but can also evolve with you as you grow.

Here’s how Billforward can do both.

Billforward is Payment Gateway Agnostic

Don’t get stuck with a payment gateway! What if the processing fees you are being charged by your current payment gateway provider are higher than average, but you are stuck with them and all you can do is watch as thousands of dollars disappear from your profits every month?

What if you want to start selling in a new geographic location that your current payment gateway provider is not available in? Will you have to use two (or more) separate systems and face an accounting nightmare? Will you have to switch payment gateway providers altogether, start from scratch with someone new and migrate over everything you have been doing so far, even if you are happy with your current setup? Ask anybody who has been in this situation before (it is way more common than you might think) and they can vouch for how difficult that process is.

Billforward not only supports over 30 payment gateways globally, as well as ACH and direct debits, and also reconcile cash and check payments against your invoices.  Even better, Billforward allows you to have more than one payment gateway set up on your account. How is that useful you might ask? There are two main benefits:

  1. Smart Payment Routing– you can set up custom payment processing logic that will route transactions between two or more payment gateways to minimize your processing fees and save you money;
  2. Global Selling- take advantage of the payment gateway provider that makes the most sense in your current location, and add additional ones for new geographic locations. That way you know you’re always working with the best suited local payment provider and there is no need to compromise.

Has payment gateway X worked for you for the past couple of years, but is it no longer meeting your needs? No problem! With Billforward making those adjustments is just a few clicks away.

Added benefit? Billforward offers all of its customers an impartial review of their payment processing options. We will run a free price check for you, so you know exactly what rates are currently available to you from various providers. With the payments market moving so rapidly, it’s good to periodically check in, see what’s new out there, and be sure you are always getting the best deal you could get. Nobody wants to overpay on their fees.

Billforward grows with your business every step of the way

Billforward has been designed as a platform that can never be outgrown.

Just starting up? 

Way to go! You can start using Billforward from day one no company is too small to take advantage of recurring billing, automated invoicing, subscription management, and subscription payment service.

Choosing Billforward early on in your company’s life allows you to scale your business without worrying that once you grow, you would have to switch billing platforms and go through the pain of migrating to a different one.

One of the most important items to do now is to future-proof yourself as the markets, technology, and your own needs constantly change, Billforward will be there for you at every step of the way so that you will never get stuck.

You have other options too you can start selling subscriptions using Billforward’s FlexCheck tool in less than 5 minutes no technical skills required. Or, you can use Billforward as a “headless” billing solution and implement it in the background via Billforward’s APIs.

Already running an established business?

Great news! You will be pleased to know that Billforward can handle even the most sophisticated subscription billing cases. Flat fees, pay-as-you-go, tiered and volume-based billing, one of set up fees, additional ad hoc invoicing, coupons, integrations, custom billing periods, invoice aggregation, multiple payment gateway providers… you name it, we’ve got it!

You are welcome to use our FlexCheck hosted checkout tool to sell your subscription online without a need for technical skills or development resources in-house. Or you can go ahead and implement Billforward in the background via Billforward’s APIs for an unmatched billing potential. As an API-first platform, we make it as smooth as possible for you to integrate our billing and subscription management platforms into your existing tech stack.

Billforward integrates seamlessly with other platforms

Every company is different, and when it comes to billing, there are no “one size fits all” solutions. That’s why Billforward makes it as simple as possible to integrate with your existing processes, technology, and billing setups.

Billforward can do the work behind the scenes inside your current UI/UX experience, or you can design your own hosted Billforward checkout storefront if you prefer. You can use one of our out-of-the-box integrations, such as Xero, QuickBooks, HubSpot, Salesforce, Avalara, or CharMogul, or use Billforward’s endpoints and webhooks to create custom unique integrations to meet your needs.

With global payment gateways integrations, multiple payment gateways support, billing software development, flexible recurring billing and subscription management tools, seamless integrations, as well as API-first and non-technical implementation support, Billforward seamlessly fits into any business’s stack. Billforward is there for you every step of the way, and will always evolve with your business, so you can focus your time and effort on what matters most scaling your business.

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